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Hire an apprentice

Employing an apprentice is easier than you think and there’s financial support and help available from the government.

What you need to know

Considering hiring an apprentice?

Understanding apprenticeship benefits and funding

Use this service to explore what benefits apprentices can bring to your organisation and calculate what funding could be available towards your apprentices training costs.

Learn more about Understanding apprenticeship benefits and funding
What's next?

Employ an apprentice for your business: step by step

Steps to a quality apprenticeship

Learn more about Employ an apprentice for your business: step by step

Recruit an apprentice

Over 8 million searches for apprenticeships on Find an Apprenticeship each month.

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Considering hiring an apprentice?

See what other employers have to say

Explore case studies that share experiences and insights from businesses that have implemented apprenticeships.

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Considering hiring an apprentice?

What are the benefits of hiring an apprentice?

Apprenticeships are an exciting option for both apprentice and employer.

Learn more about What are the benefits of hiring an apprentice?
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Recruiting an apprentice

Apprenticeships help bring valuable skills into your business with the government's support. Learn about how to recruit an apprentice.

Learn more about Recruiting an apprentice
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Upskilling your workforce

Did you know you can use apprenticeships to upskill and retrain your existing workforce?

Learn more about Upskilling your workforce
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Funding an apprenticeship

Are you a levy or non-levy employer? Answer a simple question to discover your business type and how funding will work for your organisation.

Learn more about Funding an apprenticeship
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Training your apprentice

During their apprenticeship, your apprentice will receive two different types of training.

Learn more about Training your apprentice
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Understanding end-point assessments

End-point assessment (EPA) is an assessment of the knowledge, skills and behaviours that your apprentice has learned throughout an apprenticeship.

Learn more about Understanding end-point assessments
What's next?

How to choose the right apprenticeship training

There are hundreds of apprenticeships to choose from. They offer flexible, but structured training, that meet your needs as an employer.

Learn more about How to choose the right apprenticeship training
What's next?

Choose a training provider

You will need to choose a training provider to train your apprentice. Find out why this is important and how to go about choosing one.

Learn more about Choose a training provider
What's next?

Create an apprenticeship service account

You need to set up an apprenticeship service account on GOV.UK to access apprenticeship funding and post vacancies.

Learn more about Create an apprenticeship service account
Considering hiring an apprentice?

Browse by sector

Find out what type of apprenticeships you can expect in your sector.

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Payments for hiring a young apprentice

Employers and training providers could be eligible for £1000 each if they hire an eligible apprentice.

Learn more about Payments for hiring a young apprentice
Considering hiring an apprentice?

Alternatives to apprenticeships

If an apprenticeship isn't the right option for your business, there are other alternatives available, such as the Kickstart Scheme, Traineeships or T Levels.

Learn more about Alternatives to apprenticeships
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Apprentices’ existing knowledge can reduce training time

Your apprentice could spend less time training, or even qualify earlier, if they have relevant training, qualifications or experience.

Learn more about Apprentices’ existing knowledge can reduce training time
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Prepare for the initial assessment

Before an apprentice starts, your training provider should arrange to work with you and the apprentice to assess existing knowledge they might have. Find out why, and how to prepare for this.

Learn more about Prepare for the initial assessment

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