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Apprentice training

Training is an essential part of an apprenticeship. Apprentices receive regular training to help them gain the knowledge and skills they need to have a successful career. This training can include: 

  • attending a college, university or training centre 
  • undertaking online courses 
  • studying by yourself 
  • working with a workplace mentor 

Training needs to make up at least 20% of an apprenticeship and take place during an apprentice’s normal working hours. Some apprenticeships may need you to spend more than 20% of your time on training.

Full-time apprentices

You’re considered a full-time apprentice if you work at least 30 hours a week. Full-time apprentices should spend at least six hours a week on training.

Part-time apprentices

You’re considered a part-time apprentice if you work less than 30 hours a week. The amount of training part-time apprentices will do a week can vary, but this must still make up at least 20% of their working hours. Training programmes for part-time apprentices will also be extended.

What counts as apprentice training?

Only training that helps an apprentice learn the new knowledge and skills they need for their career is considered apprentice training.

What counts:

  • day/block release for college, university or online lectures and tutorials 
  • practical training, for example shadowing, mentoring and industry visits, study leave, or time spent learning new knowledge for an exam or assignment
  • Continuing Professional Development activity
  • work-based learning, for example if you learn new knowledge or skills during work 
  • training courses 
  • apprentice welcome event

What doesn’t count: 

  • progress reviews with your training provider 
  • training that helps you gain knowledge or skills that aren’t required for your apprenticeship 
  • exams or on-programme assessments (preparation for exams or assessments does count though) 
  • preparing for functional skills English and maths (if applicable) 
  • day to day tasks related to your role 
  • team meetings 
  • travel time to and from college or university


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